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Stacey is a producer at Insight Experience. She strives to provide the utmost attention to detail in all of her projects and believes thorough communication is  the key to delivering the most comprehensive and well-considered programs. Coming from a background in the mortgage industry pre- and post-2008, she decided to reinvent her career and give her full attention to a company she and her husband started during graduate school, producing educational content through gameplay for universities and museums throughout Colorado. She now carries forward the combination of project and client management to her role at Insight Experience. 

She received a Bachelor of Arts in both Art History and Psychology at the University of Denver. Though she aims to be a multi-tasker extraordinaire during the week, she enjoys time relaxing in the mountains on the weekends with her dog and husband, as well as planning upcoming thru-hiking adventures with friends.


Simulation-Based Leadership Development

A simulation designed by our team teaches your leaders the skills, mindset and knowledge they need to achieve your organizational goals.