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Perspective on Leadership

We believe in the difference great leaders can make in an organization.

Leadership is about balance. Great leaders know how to balance business acumen and analytical skills with interpersonal skills, communication, and empathy. They focus on the future and help make ideas actionable today. They have a broad perspective and understand the impact of their actions on others and over time.

Insight Experience's learning programs incorporate and reinforce a wide range of leadership models and insights, but here are the core ideas that are the foundation of our work.

Balancing Leadership™

Balancing Leadership™ considers leadership perspective and action across three dimensions: time horizon, organizational orientation, and interpersonal approach. Balanced leaders vary their perspective across these dimensions from visionary to tactical; from internal to external; from the short term to the long term. They mobilize teams, focus on the future, and deliver results better than their peers. They are able to balance the tightrope of leadership.

Balancing Leadership™ White Paper

Balancing Leadership™ White Paper

Learn more about the theory and dimensions of the act of Balancing Leadership™.
Balancing Leadership™ Assessment

Balancing Leadership™ Assessment

Take the Balancing Leadership™ Assessment to discover where you may be out of balance as a leader.
Leading Organizations

Leading Organizations

Being a balanced leader is critical in leading organizations. See how our Leading Organizations product can help your leaders be more balanced.

The Business Cycle of Leadership™

The Business Cycle of Leadership™ highlights the critical impact of leadership on results: How you lead impacts the effectiveness of the operating decisions implemented by your team — and this affects how teams drive business outcomes. Leaders lead through their communication, their direction, and the intentional allocation of their time and attention. Leaders impact employees by building skill, trust, and engagement.

Strategic Communication

What you say is a powerful lever of leadership. Employees listen to leadership messages at multiple levels. What are people looking for in a communication from their leader? Appropriate content and context, empathy and energy, clear accountability, and consistency.

Crucible Communication

Crucible Communication

Good strategic communication, along with the priorities you set for the business and how you spend your time, is one of three critical drivers of your effectiveness as a leader.
Strategic Communication Checklist

Strategic Communication Checklist

Do your communications stand up to the Strategic Communication Model™? Use this checklist to find out.
Powerful Communication Opportunities Most Leaders Miss

Powerful Communication Opportunities That Most Leaders Miss

Employees pay an extraordinary amount of attention to what we do in the moment.

The Strategy Execution Cycle™

Strategy Execution requires a diverse range of skills, behaviors, and discipline from a leader and an organization. Leaders who can align strategy across layers in the organization; translate that strategy into action; and adapt that strategy, based on what happens over time, enable a business to succeed. Leaders with the skills to execute strategy enable companies to outperform their competitors, bring new products to market faster, and delight their customers.

Strategy Execution

What is Strategy Execution and Why is it Important for Leaders?

At Insight Experience, our definition of strategy execution is the "effective and timely execution of organizational activities that align with, reinforce, and support strategy.”
Executing Strategy

The Importance of Prioritization in Executing Strategy

Prioritizing opportunities is fundamental to successful strategy execution. Our work has revealed a handful of best practices and tips to help leaders set priorities, be it in person or virtually.
Leaders Deliver

Executing Strategy Leadership Development Program

Learn how Insight Experience can help your leaders translate strategy, see the big picture, and align their teams to drive success.

We Would Be Delighted to Share Our Perspective with You