Why Use a Business Simulation
Business simulations enable leaders to learn about themselves through experience and feedback and to see the impact of their actions over time.
Business Simulations for Leadership Development
Learners learn through experience, engagement, and reflection. By presenting multidimensional business challenges that encourage leaders to consider situations from multiple perspectives, Insight Experience simulations create the space for all three of these elements. Leaders learn from the opportunity to pause, discuss, and decide on intentional actions.
Participants can see both pitfalls and “best approach” choices. They can practice behaviors and see the impact of their actions in rapidly telescoped time.
Why Use a Business Simulation?
People learn by making connections between actions and outcomes in the context of their organization. Business simulations provide hands-on experience while allowing participants to make risk-free choices in a controlled environment. The result is not just learning; it is a deeper understanding about both why the learning is important and how to implement it back on the job. Business simulations are interactive, memorable, and highly effective.

Business Simulation Frequently Asked Questions
The most frequently asked questions about Insight Experience business simulations answered!

What Leaders Learn in a Business Simulation
Wondering what exactly leaders learn through a business simulation experience? Have a look. Through a combination of new ideas, mindsets, and insights — as well as thoughtful reflections, interactions and feedback — your leaders can tackle learning from an entirely new angle.

More Resources

Debunking Misunderstandings about Simulations for Leadership Training

Leadership Express Sims: Interactive Learning in a 2-4 Hour Format

Building Strategic Agility
Case Study: Insight Experience partners to accelerate the development of high-potential emerging leaders at a leading global infrastructure and technology company.

Developing Leaders Who Can Execute Strategy
Case Study: Insight Experience helps a leading financial services organization develop their leaders to better translate and execute corporate strategy at the local level.

Developing Leaders in the Rapidly Changing Technology Industry
Case Study: Insight Experience develops a series of programs for managers and executives to help them rapidly develop the skills and behaviors needed to lead in a new environment.

Five Misconceptions About Business Simulations

I wasn't a big fan of these conceptual trainings in the past, but the format of concept followed by simulation case study really helps reinforced the ideas as learning by doing."
Participant, Managing Director

"The software was amazing. I’m not sure I would ever have learned this much had I been shadowing someone in a real business environment. It was incredibly realistic, allowed me to practice skills I didn’t know I had, work closely with a team, and experience managing a company."
Participant, Physician

"I was very impressed with the simulation that we ran in our last sessions. Over my 30+ years in retail management, I have participated in myriad training sessions and, while all contributed to my overall abilities as a more effective manager, the case studies in the Business Simulation felt the most closely connected to reality. I even mentioned, during one of our recaps, that each scenario made me think of at least one real-world situation that I had dealt with at some time."