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2024 leadership development offeringsAt Insight Experience, we believe in the constant evolution of our offerings to meet our clients' ever-changing needs. Today, leaders grapple with the challenges of learning leadership in a hybrid environment; now more than ever, leaders have fewer opportunities to learn via apprenticeship or, because of less face-to-face interaction, benchmark against their peers.

This, coupled with the changing workforce and the proliferation of communication channels, has created new expectations for leadership development. Leaders not only have less time for leadership development; they also have shorter attention spans and, therefore, higher expectations for relevancy in their training.

In order to support leaders in their evolving needs, we kick off 2024 with a burst of innovation and expansion in the form of some new leadership development offerings. 

We are thrilled to expand our portfolio beyond our Leadership Solutions (Leading Organizations, Executing Strategy, and Developing New Leaders); our Improving Business Acumen offering; and our ability to respond to unique requests that require customization via our Custom Solutions.

Our newest products include a microlearning offering, Collaborative Coaching, and a new suite of Targeted Solutions.

Insight 2 Go

Insight 2 Go is a simulation-based microlearning offering that provides a quick and engaging experience to teach or reinforce a critical topic. Learners engage in concept learning, context-building, and decision-making, and the simulation provides immediate feedback, metrics, and reinforcement in just 10 minutes.

This offering, accessible from any device, can be highly customized to your leaders' business and roles and makes a connection between leadership choices and business results. It provides in-the-moment feedback, energizes and grows participants, and generates organizational data for L&D leaders.

Insight 2 Go unlocks learning on the go! Head to the Microlearning page of our site to learn more. 

Insight Experience's microlearning offering

Collaborative Coaching

Our collaborative, group-based coaching offering can be a stand-alone experience or integrated into an existing leadership development experience. A Collaborative Coaching experience brings together a select group of five to seven leaders who convene every four to six weeks to share challenges and experiences, explore innovative ideas in application, and receive support from a dedicated coach.

Collaborative Coaching invites insights, validation, and perspectives from peers. A coach-facilitator fosters innovation and new relationships across an organization. The Collaborative Coaching page of our site has more details. 


Targeted Solutions

Our new Targeted Solutions can be stand-alone or designed for incorporation into larger meetings. These offerings are designed to be flexible and focus on a specific topic. Below, we feature two of our targeted solutions. 

Customer Service Mindset

Cultivating excellent customer service begins with individual interactions. Our Customer Service Mindset simulation module, centered on the Building Blocks of Excellent Customer Service™, provides leadership insights and tools while fostering skill-building, reflection, and peer collaboration. This offering can be delivered to senior leaders focused on leading a service culture and/or to populations on the front line of service delivery.

This learning leads to enhanced internal trust; cross-departmental relationships; and, ultimately, superior external customer service. The Customer Service Mindset page of our site includes details about what participants learn in this simulation as well as additional resources. 

Customer service leadership development at Insight Experience

Inclusive Leadership

Mastering inclusive leadership is essential yet challenging. Avenir Consulting and Insight Experience's simulation module offers leaders a practical, experiential approach to navigating diverse challenges and building the foundational pillars of inclusive leadership.

The simulation experience encourages leaders to make consensus decisions in a geographically diverse team, revealing complex dynamics and cultural challenges. Participants engage in uncomfortable dialogue, receive feedback on unconscious biases, and witness a shift towards inclusivity and fairness. Learn more about elevating your leadership and embracing diversity at the Inclusive Leadership page of our site. 

Inclusive leadership development at Insight Experience

We continually strive to understand our clients' business needs and deliver the best learning experiences, and we are devoted, as always, to delivering with excellence. Welcome, 2024!

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